Solent University
Coursework Assessment Brief

Module Title: 

International Management In Context

Module Code:

MAN132 (Semester 3)

Module Leader:

Tim Jackson



Assessment Title:

Online Presentation

Assessment Number:

1 (Main (First Sitting))

Assessment Type:

Online Presentation

Restrictions on Time/Word Count:

15 Minutes

Consequence     of     not                      meeting time/word count limit:

There is no penalty for submitting below the word/count limit, but students should be aware that there is a risk they may not maximise their potential mark.


Assignments should be presented appropriately in line with the restrictions stated above; if an assignment exceeds the time/word count this will be taken in account in the marks given using the assessment

criteria shown.



Assessment Weighting:


Issue Date:


Hand In Date:

See SOL Submission Link

Planned Feedback Date:

4 Working Weeks

Mode of Submission:


Number of copies to be submitted:

1 electronic copy via SOL

Anonymous Marking

This assessment will :

(b) be exempt from anonymous marking as it falls

within an exempt category under the University’s Anonymous Marking Policy.

Assessment Task

Research the most signficant business management challenges being faced by international businesses over the previous 12 months. These challenges should link to the management of people, marketing, operations and finance. You must include references to relevant theories when explaining the challenges.

Record a 15 minute presentation to share the findings of your research. The presentation should be presented professionally, including audio narration, and be structured appropriately.

The recording can be made using the ‘Record Slide Show’ feature in PowerPoint, or you can use screen recording software. The maximum permitted file size is 250MB, so you will need to save the presentation in an appropriate file format and with appropraite quality settings to keep the filesize below 250MB. You must upload and submit the video recording of your presentation to SOL by the deadline shown at the top of this brief.

If you are resetting this assignment, you should take feedback on your first attempt into account.

Learning Outcomes

This assessment will enable you to demonstrate in full or in part your fulfilment of the following learning outcomes identified in the Module Descriptor:

Living CV 

As part of the University’s Work Ready, Future Ready strategy, you will be expected to build a professional, Living CV as you successfully engage and pass each module of your degree.

The Living CV outputs evidenced on completion of this assessment are:

  1. Experience of researching and analysing business performance using desk research
  2. Delivered presentation aimed at senior management

Please add these to your CV via the Living CV builder platform on Solent Futures Online Solent Futures Online

Important Information

You are reminded that:

  1. If this assessment is submitted late i.e. within 7 calendar days of the submission deadline, the mark will be capped at 40% if a pass mark is achieved;
  2. If this assessment is submitted later than 7 calendar days after the submission deadline, the work will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero;
  • If this assessment is being submitted as a referred piece of work, then it must be submitted by the deadline date; any Refer assessment submitted late will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a Assessment regulations

Extenuating Circumstances

The University’s Extenuating Circumstances (EC) procedure is in place if there are genuine short term exceptional circumstances that may prevent you submitting an assessment. If you are not ‘fit to study’, you can either request an extension to the submission deadline of 7 calendar days or you can request to submit the assessment at the next opportunity, i.e. the resit period (as a Defer without capping of the grade). In both instances you must submit an EC application with relevant evidence. If accepted under the university regulations there will be no academic penalty for late submission or non-submission dependent on what is requested. You are reminded that EC covers only short term issues (20 working days) and that if you experience longer term matters that impact on your learning then you must contact the Student Hub for advice.

Please find a link to the EC policy below Extenuating Circumstances

Academic Misconduct

Any submission must be your own work and, where facts or ideas have been used from other sources, these sources must be appropriately referenced. The University’s Academic Handbook includes the definitions of all practices that will be deemed to constitute academic misconduct. You should check this link before submitting your work.

Procedures relating to student academic misconduct are given below: Academic Misconduct

Ethics Policy

The work being carried out must be in compliance with the university Ethics Policy. Where there is an ethical issue, as specified within the Ethics Policy, then you will need an ethics release or ethics approval prior to the start of the project.

The Ethics Policy is contained within Section 2S of the Academic Handbook: Ethics Policy.

Grade marking

The University uses an alpha numeric grade scale for the marking of assessments. Unless you have been specifically informed otherwise your marked assignment will be awarded a letter/number grade. More detailed information on grade marking and the grade scale can be found on the portal and in the Student Handbook. Grade Marking Scale

Guidance for online submission through Solent Online Learning (SOL) 

Online Submission